A global grain deficit will have a major impact on the grain market in 2025. While rising grain prices may mean economic gains and good sales opportunities here and now, it is necessary to consider the competitiveness of the grain market of the future.
We value our dealer network and understand the importance of keeping everyone up to date. That's why we invite our dealers to Technical Days every year, where we explore new products together and share valuable knowledge.
In a time of increasing trade uncertainty between the US and Europe, Danish companies are taking steps towards adapting future export strategies. SOBY shares their views on the company's approach to navigating through challenging trading times.
With rising energy prices and a greater focus on industrial sustainability, we focus on developing solutions that increase energy efficiency in both our own business as well as that of our partners.
Our history is more than just dates. It shows how we consistently create value and renew our contribution to the agricultural sector. Explore our past for insight into how we can help your business grow in the future.
SN Kornteknik sells SOBY's products and also uses them for special solutions in industrial agriculture. Co-owner Morten talks about the collaboration, which the trader calls essential for the service he promises his customers.
Join us for a few exciting and pleasant days, where we will teach about our product range and production facilities. Of course, we will also have social gatherings and networking.
We are proud to have been awarded the CSRpeople label; a recognition from CSR Skive, which is given to companies that make a special effort for people on the edge of the labor market.
Did you visit our stand at Agromek 2024, or did you miss the opportunity? Either way, you can get an overview of the fair's most popular products here...!
SOBY is proud to be nominated for Business of the Year in our local community. The recognition is not only a recognition of our results, but also a celebration of the values that have characterized our company since its beginning.
What can we learn from the year's most important news from 2024? We have collected three articles from the past year that caught your attention and set off reflections on the focus in 2025.
Meet Ulla Tanderup Gade from our technical department. She has an analytical approach to her tasks and makes engineering, sales and digital development go hand in hand.