23 August 2023

Export: Ukraine is still a promising market

SOBY focused on Ukraine - it's challenging, but the market is still promising

Published in the Danish trade magazine Maskinbladet on 25 August 2022:

Two years ago, Søby went into the Ukrainian market, and although the war has brought short-term challenges, sales manager Jan Lund still see great long-term opportunities.

Two years ago, Søby, who is manufacturer of transport systems and solutions for handling, drying and aeration of grain, crops and much more, expanded their export activities and entered the Ukrainian market, where the company still see a huge potential despite current short-term challenges.

During the winter of 2020-2021 Søby established a professional organization through a Ukrainian dealer and was represented throughout the complete large country.

Things quickly accelerated, and already after 12-18 months in Ukraine the export to the country accounted for five percent of Søby’ s total turnover. Although the war in Ukraine has been challenging for Søby, the company continues to believe in a commercially favorable market in the long term.

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